Economic Security
1. I will improve the connection of international trade to bring peace and prosperity. 2. To make certain the global leadership are focusing on their debts ratio along with future development project planning and providing disaster proof infrastructure for the nations 3. I will provide the strategic planning to logistics and shipping industries around the globe to promote imports, exports, tourism, international trade, and logistics.
Water, Shelter & Infrastructure
1. To provide clean water to the communities through the collection of rainfall water in reservoir and or boring in the drought area while connecting the clean water through the pipelines....
Job Security & Industry
1. Agriculture, fisheries, and small industries should be the areas of focus and I have full support from EU/UK/USA finance which will be available through their missions to uplift farmers, small industrialist and fishermen community. 2. Microfinance for women to start small businesses to support their families. 3. To help youth start the incubators if they are not willing to go towards any career to help build a business from that incubator. 4. I have brought together a brilliant set up of the best international experts in all fields of necessary global development to secure the newest and best concepts of development which will bring a golden age of peace and prosperity for the globe.
Education, Technology and Research
1. I would like to provide scholarships from around the globe to uplift talented youth by either staying within their countries close to their families and upon completion serving their nations. 2. I would also like to provide books and exempt the fees for govt schools. 3. We can connect countries to advance technology to assist with Natural Disasters. 4. I would like to see all global universities clean of political parties, violence acts should be monitored, and those acts of violence are addressed with the dismissal of students from the education system. 5. I would like to promote quality education by reaching out to rural areas of the nations.
Justice and Peace
1. I would like to setup peace center in every country to assist with food provision, emergency health services, medicine distribution, library with IT lab, and community involvement of global citizens. 2. To provide scholarships and housing to the soldiers receiving the pensions below $200 and to help their kids to get scholarship. 3. I would also like Ombudsman of the countries to monitor the working of the ministries and government departments to bring justice and end corruption. 4. There should be a respect for law and security organizations and any act against the law enforcement or armed forces should be dealt with proper punishment. 5. To bring and prosperity within nations we must focus on the economic security, providing shelter, water, agriculture, and health facilities.
Shelter and Housing
1. Families are secured and given proper shelter during unemployment, natural disasters or civil riots through work force and social welfare departments. 2. I would like to provide housing for the citizens who can’t afford homes and also for the citizens who can afford to pay $100 to own their homes without having to pay interest within 30 years. 3. Senior Citizens around the globe should be given respect and proper monthly food coupons.
Industry & Infrastructure
1. To provide renewable energy to bring the utilities cost to the lowest and have farmers and fishermen to save up from their income for the well-being of their families. 2. Industries around the globe are suffering and its time to do the due diligence on the operations to get to the root causes of such destructions and to be prepared to add value and resources to those industries for mass production and global economic security.
Being a technocrat candidate starts with a campaign. When selected I look forward to working with the establishment, politicians, law enforcement agencies, security agencies, armed forces, diplomats, think tanks, and global communities. Globe needs a Leader who is totally transparent, dedicated, and carries the leadership skills to unfold the potential. It needs a Leader who will not stray from the shared path ahead, a Leader who will not abandon any individual or community.
When people with differing opinions listen and work together, problems get solved. As a Finance Auditor and an Educationist, it's been my job to listen, monitor, guide, and wait for astonishing results it brings which multiply the joy within the communities. “As a Global Leader, I will do the same!” I have the experience, confidence, and dedication that comes with more than 36 years of experience to implement strategies for projects and unite communities for a better life. I will fight tirelessly to lead global economy so that we can share our achievements and prosperity with the generations to come.
I believe it's time to bring a new era of hope and joy and see the Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for the Globe. “It’s time to deliver to, and for the Globe, and as your Leader, I will!” I humbly look forward to your support.
Rubina H Ali
Marquess. H.E. Amb. Rubina H Ali